Making Love to a Country Boy


Them Country Boys



I’ve been dreaming about

them days  he use to come by

in his old ford pick up with them huge tires

I just sat there on the porch eatin peaches


in cutoff shorts


cause I knew he was gonna ask me to take a drive

and of course I say yes

He would turn the radio to one of them old country stations

and pull me close to’em.

One hand on the wheel

and one in my shorts

I just close my eyes

and let’em do what he wanted

kinda liked it.

Then he would take his wet hand outta my shorts fast like

and then unzip his pants

He was hard as ah rock

He would then grab me by the hair and force my face down into his lap

I enjoyed my mouth bein fulla him

Soon he would turn off the road like he  always did

stop the truck and

pull me up by the hair

and made me give him the longest kiss.

We’d head down by Acworth lake

and  lay on the blanket in the tall grass drinkin homemade wine.

I would just glare up at the stars

drunk and naked

his head between my legs

his tongue use to get me so wet

My heart beatin so fast

I felt the southern breeze all over my body.

He’d climbed on top of me

and push so far in

I thought I could feel’em in my throat

I just moan and digg my nails into his back.I begged him not to stop

I  would wrap my shaking legs round his waist  and he kissed me so passionate like.

I would orgasm and climax so hard.

It was the best thing closed to heaven I’d imagine.

We’d lay on that blanket for hours

maken love

He was so simple and country

like the south

I was so happy and peaceful

then when I was with’em

Those were some of the best days of my life

Tasting Me in a New York Taxi

I was away hanging with the girls for the weekend, which was amazing!  We always manage to have a good time and get into trouble. When I stepped off the plane after flying back to New York, there he was waiting for me. It was a nice unexpected surprise. I had no idea he knew when I was returning from my trip. But, I know exactly who told him.

We got into the taxi and headed to my place for what I’m assuming to be our usual all night rendezvous. But, we didn’t make it back to the loft before he was down on his knees in the taxi and my panties were in his back pocket! My legs are too long to be in the air in a taxi, however his tongue felt so good! Like he was licking the words welcome home. New York taxi drivers are so immune to the bad behavior of New Yorkers. I believe this driver enjoyed every minute we were in the back of  his car; but he did expect an extra tip.

We decided to stop by The Cock in the east village to have drinks with friends of mine. This club is known for its anything goes backroom and that’s where we ended up. We had to finish what was started in the taxi.  We were not alone; there were a few other couples who shared our idea! I was wet and ready to go. We finished our session in a backwards cow girl position. Another night of fabulous sex in this feisty city!

Bad Girls Need Sex 3 Times a Day

The first discussion that I have with a man, who is giving the serious relationship speech, is the need for sex 3x a day! Look, If I’m going to be in a commitment I need to know he can keep up! Now, if I don’t have a man, I don’t want to have sex all the time. Once or twice a month is enough and most of the time that’s with a vibrator. Believe it or not, I don’t like for someone who is not constant in my life to have that much access to me. I don’t want to be worn down and prefer to leave certain things in certain categories! I put consistent sex in the relationship category.

You all know it takes a whole lot of man to handle me and settle me down, so he has to be able to satisfy me in the bedroom. I like long sex sessions and I like it a couple times a day. Not every day but close to it. When I’m really attracted to someone who just the sight of him gets me horny, I might jump him spontaneously anywhere. My lust and emotions for him control me and I become impulsive! When I say anywhere, I mean anywhere! The grocery store bathroom, car, restaurant, movie theater, park, etc; I think you get the point! So I can’t be with a scary conservative chump! He has to be a freak just like me and he has to find that free-spirited life style appeasing. I don’t want someone who will do it because I want him to.A person can only fake it for so long, after awhile his real beliefs will appear. He will become insecure because he knows that being uninhibited is what makes me happy but it makes him uncomfortable. Soon he’ll start thinking he is not wild enough and I’ll cheat with someone else.  I need to know the truth up front, No need for delusion!

If I love someone I’m very sexual and open to new things. The more into him I am, the freakier I become. That’s always been me. However I’ve made bad decisions as far as mates are concerned. I was never satisfied with them. I maybe had one boyfriend in my life who could hang! That’s just horrible! I have to be with a sexual open-minded man period!

By You

I wanna be kissed by you
Touched by you
Wanted by you
Seduced by you
Fucked by you
Sexually obsessed because of you
Contained, consumed and
emotionally possessed by you
Until I’m lost infinitely in your world
Please exemplify  your power over me
Proving by action you’re stronger
I will bow down surrendering.
A queen imprisoned by you
A uncontrollable wildness tamed by you
Your stroke will be my drug
and your dick will be my god
I will inhale all of you
A dedicated  addict
Most appreciative servant.
I constantly and consistently need to be licked by you
My pussy eaten by you causes an unforgettable high.
Each time your tongue caresses my clit,
I experience convulsions until I black out
Sweetly unconscious in a dream
Because of you, I’ve sold everything,stolen, and lied
just to encounter that orgasm over and over
I just have to be fucked by you.
Every part of my body entered by you.
Destroyed by you.
Let the recollection of my life be
that I passionately lived because of you
and faithfully died in your arms.

Bad Girls Scream During Sex

I will admit during sex I’m loud as hell. Especially when I’m on my back and my legs are close to my  ears. When a man is drilling as deep as he can go, how can you keep from screaming?  I love moaning loud, I think it intensifies the sex. Now it’s not annoying screeching, its sounds of encouragement to motivate him to continue and go deeper.

If I’m making love to a man who turns me on and he is hitting my spots, I make the most passionate thunderous intense sounds; that shit gets really serious! I’ve notice that the men go crazy for it! The more I moan, the harder and stronger they become. I mix sexy phrases in with moaning like “fuck me!” “Yeah fuck that pussy!” Works like a charm.  It makes them want to come back for more! Now the next phrase I only use if I have major feelings, “This is your pussy! Fuck your pussy!” I recommend not saying that to the wrong man! He might want to kill your ass if he finds out it’s not true!

I remember when a lover and I were in the shower making love. I will say he was heavily endowed because he had me in the air, with my legs wrapped around his waist, and he was going deep. I was so loud, I think I broke into song!  An  acappella Opera!

My favorite part is when he talks dirty! It really gets me freaky. O my goodness I’ll scream so loud, I’ll awake  the heavens. The neighbor’s ears don’t stand a chance! In fact, I’ve had a few knock on my door! I just apologize “I’m sorry I was fucking and it got out of control!”

There‘s power in sexual communication. I like for a man to feel accomplished if he makes me achieve a supreme orgasm.

The Influence of Sound

Invade me

Aggressively push through me

Extend boldly

Firm and rigid

Forcing your way

Right to the heart of me

And in return

I promise

I will serenade you with

Moans and sighs

Elevating so loudly

That they influence the persistence and strength of your strokes

Your endurance and method deserves praise my love

And I  will awaken the heavens with screams of your name.

Your instrument conducts harmony from my lips as it engorges within my throat

I am yours

You are the muse inspiring my song

Seduced by your movement in rhythm

I’m Dangerously in love


Now that it’s September, it’s time to prepare for another frosty winter. This is the perfect opportunity to find a fall semester cutie to keep you warm during the upcoming icy months. Who wants to be all alone in the cold weather when you could have someone to keep you hot and fiery on those long frigid nights?

Thinking back to past winters, I can’t help but to remember that night last January, when I was feeling chilly and lonely, a friend extended an invitation to keep me warm and safe from the nasty cold. Of course I accepted the invite. Feeling so sexy and freaky from the late night fantasies we shared over the phone, I decided to put on something special for the long cold drive down to Aventura. I reached under my bed and pulled out my platform high heel, thigh-high, black, and leather boots. Then, I went to the closet for my sexiest underwear, a beautiful pair of white thong panties and matching bra. So I got all oiled and perfumed up, put on my lacy outfit, my black thigh high boots, and my winter coat. The perfect ensemble for private dinners, don’t you think?

Finally, I arrived to the beautiful high rise on the beach wearing nothing but panties, boots and an over coat. No, this wasn’t something I’ve done before. But, this was the time in my life to be brave and try something exciting and new. That’s what the move to South Florida was all about. I got on the elevator wondering what would happen once I opened my coat. Did it turn him on when he thought about me driving with barely anything on? This had to be the longest elevator ride to the 3rd floor. My heart was beating so fast! I was anxious to see his response.

He opened the door, and invited me in. He asked if he could take my coat and I said sure please do. The look on his face when the coat hit the ground. Priceless! I’m sure ya’ll know what happened next, I was chased around the dining room table. “I thought we are about to eat,I said.” He was like, ” Yeah! I’m about to!” The night ended with me naked on the dining room table, my bra and panties ripped and thrown on the floor. Fortunately, my boots weren’t harmed; he made me keep them on! He ate well that night! A feast fit for a king!


For some reason tonight
out of all nights,
I wore panties
Just not any of my blah underwear
I reached deep back into my closet draw
and found my sexiest pair

By dawn
After dinner and dancing
he had me alone
I had a plan
of how
To play hard to get with this man
I vowed nothing would happen
and I would go home


As we embraced
with our friendly goodbye
I experienced the seduction of his arms around my waist
his hands caressing my thighs
then moving slowing up from behind
Amazed by what he discovered
That for first time tonight
out of all nights
he couldn’t believe
he felt the silky material of panties on his lover

with a lustful stare on his face
he demanded you can’t leave .There would be no way
you never wear them

I have to see them so now you must stay
He lifts up my dress
then forcing my hands
inside his pants
his lips tenderly sucking my breast

He leads me to the bed
tells me to sit down on the edge
tilt back my head and spread my legs
as he kneels in front of me
How sugary and tasty
beautiful and lacy
against your dark skin

he whispers
Before he begins
His fingers stretches the lace and then slowly slips in
His tongue flickers melting my white panties
like cotton candy in his mouth
He insists the sensation is just as strong even if I left them on.

Soaked, my lips peak through and I feel the warmth of his breath
His tongue whips
like flashes of fire
melting the fabric
His finger tips strike hard and quick
from front to back
He knows when he eats in combination
that I climax without hesitation
Getting me
dripping wet and motivated
for hours of long stoke penetration

I didn’t expect me wearing a thong
would be a temptation
and turn him on
It was unexpected and unpredicted
I have to admit
the orgasm is more profound
when ever he goes down
than a lonely night of battery operated
I never thought I could cum(and now I’m sprung)
by pussy eaten with cloth between my clit and his licks


I’m not one to be jealous, even if I’m madly in love. If a man truly loves me, than he would respect me enough to not do anything to hurt me. Especially flirt with or take the company of another woman. Why is it that women always think that a man should not follow the same rules as us? We will allow him to hurt us and say oh that’s just a man’s way. But, we are quick to call our girlfriends whores and sluts if they do the same thing to a man. I can’t stand it! It’s because of these kind of women, that sometimes I resent men. I can’t deal with the idea of men being put on a higher pedal stool than women. It really bothers me and I take that anger out on men because they allow women to worship them knowing they did nothing to deserve it!

Any ways! One of my fantasies is being in a threesome relationship with a man and another woman. I wonder how it would be. Let me just say that none of the girlfriends I’ve had ever dated or have been in a relationship with a man I was attracted to. It’s always been the opposite. I secretly can’t stand the losers they are with! But lately the opportunity has presented itself. My best girlfriend who I absolutely love and adore is sleeping with one of my best guy friends. And both of us are willing and ready to share him. I love them both equally and they love me so why not?  We all have had sex together so we should continue. He is a really good guy who takes good care of me and my girlfriend. We travel and party together. He takes us to the best places and buys us whatever we want. It’s not a bad deal.

I know most women especially these hot blooded idiots in south Florida could not handle a relationship like this. Most of them are self centered and deranged! They are crazy and neurotic as hell! I’ve gotten to the point I don’t want to hang or be around any of them at all. They need all this attention and reassurance because they are the most insecure bitches on the face of this earth! But, my girlfriend and I are nothing like that. We want to enjoy the remainder of our 30’s by taking advantage of the crazy opportunities that are presented to us. Hell, we’re not going to be young forever and soon we will want families of our own.

On the other hand, even if I was married and in love, I still might desire a little threesome action. I’m not going to hide my sexuality because I’m committed. The man I’m with will accept and embrace his wife’s freaky ways. That has to be discussed and agreed upon before walking down the aisle. Most people don’t know this, but I’m easy going when I’m in love. I’m not an invidious psycho girlfriend. I’m open to trying new things and exploring our sexual options. I think it’s fun and exciting. Just as long as the man knows who his heart belongs to, I’m down for a little group entertainment!

He Changed Me

I’m asked all the time, if I have ever been in love. Yes, I can say that I have one time in my life. No! it wasn’t in marriage. He was my lover a couple years ago. He wasn’t flashy or a jock. Honestly, I was never in to those types of men. I never really like the popular boys even though they liked me. I married the popular jock who all the girls loved and that turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life. I preferred the sexy quiet boy who nobody paid attention to. And after all these years that’s still who I want to be with.Those are the men who I find to be amazing in bed. They love the feel and touch of a woman’s body. It’s like they study pleasure. They are not conceded with silly hangups. It’s a mix of amazing sex and intellectual conversation.

He was older, calm, smart, and not into glamour. I loved every moment I spent with him. He encouraged my sexuality. Every time we made love I fell deeper and deeper. He wanted me to be sexy and young. I felt so alive with him. I felt so beautiful and strong like I could conquer the world.He loved me just the way I was and he was never critical or abusive.He use to tell me to dress sexy, wear high heels, and no underwear. He would never get insecure or jealous when other men would stare at me, he kind of liked it. Actually, we never fought really. If we had any disagreements, we would end up laughing at each other. Our sexual experiences made me want more than Georgia had to offer. My Jewish Jersey boy inspired me to see the world and to do whatever I wanted when I wanted.It’s funny, because of my experience with him, I still go after Jewish men.We partied and traveled everywhere. He always told me if people don’t accepted you for who you are then fuck’em all! Everything that I write he inspired and I’m proud of who I am. Until this day I’ve never interacted with a man who makes me feel half as sexy as he did in those mountains. I should have married that man!


A Bad Girl in Chicago 2


Now that I’m rested after the wild nights in Chicago, I’m ready to tell the crazy shit that went down in the windy city . We had the most amazing time locked in our hotel room. On Monday night, we decided to take a break and have dinner at the hotel restaurant.  My lover invited a friend of his and his wife to Chicago for the weekend.  This is going to shock my friends because I haven’t told them what happened. I’m expecting a few angry phone calls after I post this blog .

After rounds and rounds of cocktails, the couple followed us  to our  hotel room. Next thing I knew, It was two girls topless dancing in the bed. The two girls included me. We striped down completely by the time the champagne arrived.  Of course my lover (because you know I don’t give names) instigated the girl on girl kissing that occurred. She was sexy, I was drunk as hell and it was a holiday. Why not?

Wow! I should have known the night was going to end with all four of us naked.  Now this might sound like complete bullshit and I understand if you think it is. But, you would be surprised what happens when people think no one will find out. This is nothing out of the ordinary for me. It’s just a typical night in New York hanging with friends. Orgies are always on the menu. And this orgy was a good as it gets. My friend is really good at eating pussy. I enjoyed watching him devour this young girl while I rode her husband. We switched back and forth all night. I was amazed how freely they enjoyed other people outside Their marriage. She seemed to be turned on by her husband fucking me and  it was a pleasure watching her blow my lover.I believe they do this all the time. It’s really not a surprise to me. Sex is always exciting when you add an extra two! I promised the couple that I would not mention their names in this blog. I would love to see them again.  I have a feeling they will be making an  appearance at my loft at some point.




Understand that I love you
I am not ashamed of me
of what I’ve become
because of you

Why should I be?
There’s no hesitation in what I do
No explanations or reasons
I found what others are too afraid to admit they are searching for
They would never confess it
but I declare it proudly
I’m a freak

I dedicated myself to you
with no uncertainties
I wanted to fall in love and you make me feel this way
There’s no one else that could have awakened this side of me
Anything you ask, I’ll try it
That’s my pledge of loyalty
I’m so committed to you and
your needs
I don’t mind letting the world know
that you have created all that’s in me
Let them talk
Let them criticize
as long as I am the perfect lover in your eyes
They might call it scandalous
The things you make me do
As long as you desire
the uninhibited will continue
I’ve heard their voices quietly
me as a lady
But I don’t need a defense
I know who I am
and I am at peace with it
I’m who they wish they could be

You constantly say
how much you like it and
How it turns you on
Don’t stop you request
Let this never end
you as my freak

I am obsessed
My body and mind I no longer own
and neither do I care to
I can’t get enough
I want more
I’m addicted
strung out
Since you
My life has completely changed
My sexuality has taken control
It has transformed my presents
The way I carry myself
my appearance
The way I move
The way I speak
Even given me a new name
You have penetrated my core
And I’ll never be the same
So take my hand
and I will follow you anywhere
I can’t wait to go deeper
You are the supreme elevation
essential to my existence

So ask me my lover
That’s all it takes
I wear you so proudly
for the rest of my life
I’m willing
To be your  Freak



The Second Ritual

Their eyes watch me as I’m

chained and constrained

They linger in anticipation

for you champion

to open me up and expose me

To tame the beautiful beast who runs wild between my thighs

She knows no boundaries

She has no owner

She wanders free

horrible and iniquitous

devouring any man that she chooses

The legend of the feline

whispers from city to city

The pussy purrs during the night after

she’s had her fill of flesh and shaft

The trap was set

You’re a master of temptation

leading me right into your arms

I welcome the challenge

A worthy adversary to the pussy

She is in attack mode

ready to swallow you whole

The drum beats

The fire breathes

You stand erect and fearless

They stare full of lust


waiting for you to take the first taste

and soon they’ll follow

I’m spread wide open

They chant and beg

Do it hunter

Fuck her

Strike that pussy with a mighty


She needs to be trained

The sacared dance has begin

The beast screams in pleasure and rage

as you stab and pierce her heart

It will never recover from such vital wounds

Your wrath is like no other

It beats the walls and taps the G

I reach out for help

I cry and moan

but they sing of satisfaction

It’s the ceremony of the full moon

and I’m the sacrifice of sex and passion

I lay blindfold and bond

as the clock strikes 12

Your hand around my neck ready to

apply the collar and leash

Powerless to your domination

I submit myself to your rule

I am forever yours

History will remember your name

He who sexually conquered the wildest creature that

roamed these lands

A victory well deserved…..