Highway Fellatio

Ladies, have ever look across at your man while riding down the highway and realized how sexy and fine he is.? And looking at that fine ass man reminds you how in love you are. You start getting really horny. Next thing you know you’re sliding closer and closer to him. Kissing his neck while unzipping his pants, you start easing your way down. Soon,  you have a mouth full and he can barely keep his mind on the road. Mmhmm! Happens to the best of us!

The damn highways are not safe~! That’s because women like me are distractions. We are kinky and free spirited. We like to play dirty sex games with our mates while driving down a busy freeway. It’s a woman job to make sure her man is happy and satisfied. She sometimes has to take matters in to her own hands or mouth even if it’s reckless behavior while in a motor vehicle. If he is the kind of man deserving of oral pleasure, please don’t limit yourself to the bedroom. Keep the romance and excitement alive! Make sure he knows that he can still get you hot and bothered. And the thought of that dick still makes you just as hungry as it did when you first met.  You want to keep him in love and whipped? Then you better unbuckle that seat belt and crawl under that steering wheel. It’s like  magic. You might not have time to stop or there might not be a private place. You’ll  just have to make due.

A disclosure: Every man cannot handle the road safely and get a blow job! Men you need to practice. You want your lady to show you love, than you better perfect multi-tasking! Head is nothing to loose your life over….hmmm well some is I guess. But, let’s not contribute to anyone’s death. Keep your eyes steady and focused. Release moans and groans excessively and as loud as possible. If you hold them in,  your eyes will roll in the back of your head and you will surely swerve into the next lane! Talk dirty encouraging her to continue, but DON’T LOOK DOWN! I’m not trying to instigate a wreck! I’m only promoting safe sex! Girls keep extra napkins around. There will be a mess. And what lady wants every one knowing her business once she’s reached her destination? Remember freak in the bedroom or car but sweetheart in public!

Girlies, highway playtime is just another way you can express  love and appreciation for that special man in your life. It’s fun and risky. It’s a guaranteed way into his heart and to keep him from wondering away from home.

Under( part 1)

The expressions on her face
Every time her lips released him
was enough to procure his mind
She always wanted to convey her affection
her appreciation for him
She took her time and gave her undivided attention
Slow her motion to make sure she savored every taste of him
Feelings of her tongue along the curves
that was accompanied by the gentle firm grip of her mouth and the guide of her hands
sent an unmanageable vibration through his body
like a well orchestrated symphony.
This gave her persistence to continue
His hands wrapped around her long tresses
Controlled the range of intensity
His soul traveled through dimensions of ecstasy
The precision she demonstrated
The care
This was just the beginning…

Angry Sex

I enjoy make up sex more than love making.  The mix of passion and frustration makes a man’s stroke deeper and longer.  After a vicious fight, I just can’t wait for my hair to be pulled and my clothes to ripped off. You should hear the sounds coming from my bedroom after a T.K.O. round for round battle. His hand prints stay on my ass for days.  Love and pain are equally fulfilling for me. Mouthy and tough as I am, I have to  be reminded who’s really in charge. My girlfriends know exactly what I’m talking about. When that man picks you up off the ground and tells you “spread them legs bitch!” Of course you have to give a struggle just so he can get stronger. You already know you will loose  control and end up on your knees. We live for that reassurance of ownership. Every time the girls and I discuss the sex we have with our men, we all agree it’s the best sex we have ever had.

When two people love each other the emotions are heightened. So when things get heated and feelings get hurt, loving making  turns in to hot rough fucking! The pussy gets tighter and the dick gets harder during an argument.The orgasm is incredible. Both people’s hearts are  in it.The things he whispers in your ear as he is tapping that G spot makes you scream and scratch. Wow! I can barely control myself just thinking about it. He feels like he has to prove who that pussy belongs to. And what’s better than the man you’re in love with putting that ass to bed?

Here is a little secret if you men didn’t know this already, women like to feel owned. We like to know we have you. We need to feel that aggression every once in a while. Even the worst disagreements can strengthen the bond in a relationship.

His Hostility Towards Me

He came in the middle of the night

aggressively knocking at my door

I awakened to his yells

As I opened the door

he forcefully barged his way in

out of breath

filled with anger

as if he was looking for someone in my bedroom

I just followed him quietly

half dazed


I asked why are you here

I thought you were satisfied with your lover

Her innocence

Her loyalty

moved you

She is trust worthy

unlike me you said

Swiftly he turned trapping me tightly against the dresser

My night gown torn barely covering my body

It’s because of you I can’t sleep he said

You fucking bitch you’re playing this game.

With one hand around my throat and the other pulling my hair he continued clinching his teeth

When I close my eyes at night

I see you

I feel you

Your body covering mine while I bury myself deep with in  as you ride me

your back arched

your soft breast in the palm of my hands

I hear your voice begging me to go deeper

not to stop

your mouth sucking me until I explode

I realize that I need you

Then the thought of you loving another man

Giving him what you give me

Him putting his hands on you

His lips all over your body

You calling his name

The sex faces that you make

You biting your bottom lip as he strokes harder

Makes me enraged with hostility


I can’t stand it

Just the idea of someone else fucking you kills me.

Don’t you understand what you’re doing to me

As he said his last words his hand remaining around my throat barely allowing me to breathe

Now the other hand forcing between the cheeks of my ass

I opened my legs and stared into his eyes

and  replied

Fuck me!


Monets Erotica.com

Wild Southern Sex

In two weeks, I will be heading down to Atlanta to hang with Emmanuelle, Kimberly, and Elaina. I’m desperately in need of  some private naughty girl time. We plan to get into all kinds of mischief. Southerners are friendly and welcoming. They are fun and outgoing. Totally different from the snobs  of Manhattan. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a New Yorker, But I do enjoy the sweet escape  of a secretly uninhibited world. Georgia is perfect because it’s not expected. It seems to be  hillbilly and psycho religious since it’s a part of the bible belt. But, I have experienced the wildest sex parties imaginable. Even celebrities are hip to this cities hush hush pastime. On numerous occasions, I have shared a girlfriend or two with a well known superstar. I will let your imagination run wild with ideas of  who they could be. Shhh

The states capital has a conservative family oriented feel during the day. But at night the cities professionals really know how to let loose. Orgies are abundant! It’s sound crazy but yes! It’s a full on adult fuck fest! First you start out at the strip club for a little bump and grind with a couple of friends (Everyone hangs at the strip club in Atlanta). Then, after the club closes, it’s time to get down and dirty. It’s not called the dirty south for nothing. I get wet thinking about the last time I was there. The feel of a woman’s tongue and a man’s fingers is breath taking! Southern women are sweet and lovely. Their accents are  sexy and those thick asses are delicious! The men are gentle but rough.  What’s great about “Hotlanta” is  that you can taste every flavor of the rainbow. The city is as multicultural as my assortment of friends. Blacks and whites tasting and invading each others bedrooms.  My W hotel suite will be like a we are the world  revolving door

Never underestimate the south. Atlanta is highly populated with middle age professional freaks. Most you wouldn’t expect. You would be clueless looking at them. Believe me they are hiding their nastiness. I can’t wait for the girls and I to  step off the plane and head out into the darkness.

The Older Woman’s Guide to Sex with The Younger Man

Women work really hard to provide for themselves. As a single self-sufficient woman in the dating scene, you meet a lot of attractive men who are not compatible for a relationship. However, these men are a great opportunity to fulfill late night needs. Men in their 20s are perfect for a quick sex session. They are young, healthy, sexual and full of energy. South Florida is full of young studs. It doesn’t take much to get one. Just show up to your favorite hot club after 12 a.m.  No! Don’t expect this amazing crazy orgasm. I mean they are young. There are still learning a woman’s body. They can’t replace the experiences of an older man when comes to the stroke! Clit stimulation is a minimum. I personally like to lay back and enjoy looking at that tight, muscular, hard, body. Most of the time, your climax will come from riding where you are doing all the work. And honestly, I don’t like waking up to them. It’s a select few I’ll let spend the night or stay over their place.  I do have to work in the morning and this way it keeps things separate.

As an older woman, you want someone that you can connect with emotionally and physically. Financially is extremely important as well. My personal attraction for a serious commitment is someone who is really laid back and mature. I man who doesn’t hang with too many guys and keeps his relationship private. Being a divorce woman I’ve already went through many stages that a young man is going through. So for me reality has set in.  I need a man that has been there and understands that. Life is to be enjoyed and its best when you have to deal with work and taking care of home to be with a man who can relax you with no drama. 95 percent of a relationship should be peaceful and filled with passion. And that is an easy accomplishment if you are dealing with someone whose on your maturity level.

Younger men are still trying to prove themselves. They are still going through the phases of hanging with the boys, listening to perverse rap music, partying all the time, and telling all their personal business. Honey, who wants to deal with that? Also, they still have insecurities and an ego that constantly needs to be nurtured. You waste a lot of time that you could spend on yourself trying to cater to them and mature them. It’s unnecessary frustration.True they can have a lot of potential. One day they will make a great mate for some lucky women. But it takes experience to get there.

Also, It’s not fair to a young person to have to give up his or her youth for a relationship with an older person. It’s selfish for any older woman to put that kind of stress on a younger man. So why not just enjoy him for what he is good for? I’ve  had a couple of sex sessions not expecting anything but that. In the end don’t expect your long term needs to be fulfilled. Just let it be  a good time.

Late night Misters( The Story of The Older Woman and The Younger Man)

He was standing in a crowd

with his boys

And as boys do

on a chill night

while watching foot ball

and drinking brew

They talk about the girls





About their late night

fuck session

and how she let him

come over

He just needed to get laid he bragged

She wants me

She can’t get enough

He tapped it

with no dates

or promise

and left the next morning

It was so easy

He said

He has that kinda of influence over


They will take him

how they can get him

Feeling like he fit in

with the rest of the self proclaimed men

This boy

Felt as if he had a superman S on his chest

or a P for playa

He was accomplished and respected

because of the a.m pussy  he conquered

She always met up with the girls

on ladies night

just to hang out

Single ready to mingle

So as the ladies do

while dressed in the latest attire

rocking their 600 dollar Jimmy choos

they talked about their latest men

Not once did his name come up in

the conversation

or did she consider to mention

about their early morning rendezvous

He was a boy to her

No one she would date

never mind take seriously

So it was even better that he only wanted to come over late

She receives calls from him

Trying to have small talk

beating around the bush

He thought of himself to be a real smooth talker

She had no clue what the fuck he was saying

She just wished he would get to the point

She had to work the next morning

it was already 2.a.m.

He was not the best in bed at all

She did not even expect a superior orgasm

She wasn’t sure if he knew where her clit was

but he was always available at that certain time

That juvenile energy

He was quick and easy

A hot body



and very cocky

He had nothing she wanted or he could offer her

He still lived at his mamas house or had a roommate

He kinda dressed like a hip hop puppet

or some silly reality show character

Didn’t really matter

She did not have to be seen with him in public

Or neither did she care

“I just need to get laid”

The voice said in the back of her head

A little Girl on Girl Action

Don’t get me wrong, I love men! Especially if a man can handle himself in the bedroom! However, I do enjoy a little lady time as well. Now in our fake, overly conservative society, we as women have been told never to admit this in fear of not being respected. But fuck society and its opinions! Because a woman desires a feminine touch, does not make her some wild and crazy sex addict! Not saying there aren’t sex addicts out there. A woman does not have to tell everyone her personal business about who’s in her bedroom. She can keep a certain mystery about herself. But, she does not have to be embarrassed either!

I believe women should have an unbreakable bond between each other. We have to learn how to respect each others sexuality. Not allowing men to tell us the rules on what makes us respectable women in our society. We are the mothers of creation. Besides, how sexy is the idea of two hot women making love to each other? I really can’t think of anything that comes close.  I would rather my boyfriend watch a girl on girl porn than a man and woman. At least I know he is straight. What woman wants to find out that her man was checking out the shaft in a porno?

I believe young women should explore their options. I could not see myself being an older woman without sexual female experimentation. How boring and dull! When I get to a certain age I want to look back and say damn I was a hot little vixen when I was younger! I did a lot of freaky shit and I lived a wonderful full life! Why should men be the only ones who had the best of sexuality in their youth? Our society is so full of shit! It’s so geared to masculine pleasure and happiness. Women try so hard to live up to these dumb standards that they forget how just be and live life. Sad really! Why can’t we be open, feminine, soft women who like other hot feminine women every once in a while; and still be respected and appreciated in the everyday world? I understand it’s a perverted fantasy for men and they just can’t help themselves when they think of two women having sex. However, if a woman does not want that man’s attention or comments then he should back off! But you know the stupid masculine response “Well you put yourself out there like that so what do you expect me to do?” Be a fucking man and respect my decision that you might not do it for me or my fantasies! A woman can be a good wife, mother, and lady of her community and still like women! Female sex doesn’t necessarily replace a man. Actually a lot of times it’s the opposite effect. I for one still want to be with a man in the end no matter what! Also, lesbian and homosexuality is not just about physical intimacy. It’s more about the emotional relationship. So there is no need for men to think women are trying to leave them out of the equation.

So from now on ladies, even if in secret at first, try something different with your sexuality. Open up and live freely! Some of my best sex was with women. And sometimes it’s heavenly when a man joins in on the fun. Especially, one who has the stamina to handle more than one woman at a time!  Let’s build a nation of sexual freedom for all.

The Goddess Queendom

I will love you

I pick you up and

help build you to be

The goddess of earth and

and universe

I’ve experienced physical pleasure


But when I make love to your body and mind

I feel the deepest intimacy

You understand every curve of me

with your lips

Your kiss is passionate

Your touch is gentle

And though we will never

replace our love of our male counterparts

we cherish the sensual interaction between you and me in our hearts

Still hoping one day to unite with

our opposites

to create our own families

We will journey this road together

Turning and weaving

conquering and defeating

Any battle that

is meant to destroy us

and make us loose our focus

I hold your hands

and listen to your song

You embrace me

and believe in my poems

We stand at the origination

of the strongest


female nation

If we continue to struggle together

things will change in our favor

and only get better

We will crush every memory

of a time where we thought that

That we were each other’s enemy

We dance together

In  perfect harmony

The goddess queendom is divine

and on time

Our rule

Let it be

Erotica360 facebook

Romance is Mandatory and Key Largo is the Perfect Backdrop!

Working in the hustle and bustle of South Florida’s corporate American cock fight, I sometimes like to call a cutie and slip away for some R&R time. I’m a sucker for passion and romance, and Key Largo is only a short car ride away. Like all of the keys, Largo is quiet and somewhat secluded for a little naked swimming and lover on lover action. There have been times I would drive a date down from Miami at night, and have a passionate love affair under the moon light. The ocean as the back drop, the warm weather and the soft sands are perfect. There are several discreet places right on the side of the highway. You don’t need to stay at a resort or get a hotel room. Besides it’s sexier if it’s natural and uninhibited. Now as most of you know, a sleepy town has a laid back mentality. So if you’re smart and careful, you could experience a hot, steamy, passionate fantasy without being bothered or disturbed!

Romance is definitely my favorite hobby! Listening to a lot of my girlfriends lately, it sounds as if all of them are deprived! Not me! I make it my business to have as much intimacy as possible in my life. Good sex is a must! I like all the clichés; wine, candles, music, etc. At a short moment’s notice, I like to slip away to a sexy beach spot and get it own with a cutie.  Key Largo is just one of many for me but definitely at the top of my list!

Of course I wrote something regarding romance. Come on now poetry first!

The Resurrection of Romance

I walk around this castle


because that’s the way he likes it.

On those hideaway weekends

when he locks me in

It’s just us two

From dust to dawn

I have nothing on

There is nothing sexier he says

then the curves I flaunt

around the kitchen


backyard etc.

At any point

he takes what he wants

I’m the prey and he the predator.

Who ever said

naked movement


candlelight and music

was overrated

We have become cynical towards seduction

no passionate encounters

we’re too jaded

Preoccupied with defining

undermining raw first sight attraction

Too busy with trying to gain titles

and ownerships rights to each other

Forgetting how important it is

every now and then

to thoughtlessly make love to one another

Letting the magic of affection

flow naturally


leading us into a matrimonial direction.

We move into obligations much to fast

not making sure we build a desire

a foundation to make it last

Dwelling on the hurtful scares and love wounds

from our past

I just want to sway

as the music plays

Get lost in the seductive verse

after a stressful day

Hurt free

Low key

Why would I strike with a brutal blow

when I speak?

I would rather whisper something more sincere


in his ear

as he pulls me near

The late night clubs

he watches while I dance

like he is lost in a trance

To return back home

no disturbance

no phone

or outside influence

Nothing that could ruin this

The rose-filled bubble baths

and the beauty of the moon

as it sparkles in the midnight sky

Not allowing this to end too soon


laying on his back using my breast with the oil and massage

as we talk and laugh

It feels good

to be treated like a woman

to have that kind of connection

A man who understands is about sexual freedom

and doing me right

getting carried away by the moment

Not about possession

I live to be wined and dined

to be kiss and hugged

to hold hands

to make love

How it soothes

and relaxes me

just to feel like a lady…..

Escaping this judgmental

mirage filled society

and all its self-inflicted tragedies

Just having him close to me

is all I think about

all I need

Running away from misery and circumstance

I’m going back

to living for romance

Erotica 360 Facebook Page

New Hot Erotic Poet Emmanuelle Monet

If something hot and passionate is what you are looking for, I suggest you check out the erotic writings of Emmanuelle Monet. The fall of 2012, the first book of the Erotica 360 series will be released. As one of the most anticipated releases of next year, the book will surely make history in the field of modern erotic poetry.

Erotica 360 is a series that compiles all of her poems that express the passions and desires of the heart. Her writings are expressed artistically and articulately in order for the readers to feel every single line with genuine feelings. Monet’s poems will surely inspire you to love and be loved. You will be moved by the passion of the human spirit. And, there is nothing more human than desire and love. Her modern and reality based erotic poems are the epitome of present day romance. Every lyric is cleverly versed with the beauty of eroticism.

I wanna be kissed by you / Touched by you/ Wanted by you / Seduced by you / Fucked by you / Sexually obsessed because of you / Contained and consumed emotionally / possessed by you / Until I’m lost infinitely in your world / Please exemplify your power over me /Proving by action your stronger I will bow down surrendering / A queen imprisoned by you / An uncontrollable wildness tamed by you / Your stroke will be my drug / And your dick will be my god / I will inhale all of you / A dedicated addict / Most appreciative servant…

Watch out for the release of Emmanuelle Monet Presents Erotica 360. Mark 2012 in your calendars as the date where poetry takes its reign again!

Buckwiz is dominating the sex toy industry

When it comes to sexy toys, there is only one place to buy the real goods online and that is the infamous BuckWiz. Aside from generous discounts and a huge product selection, Buckwiz features a remarkably large and deep (excuse the pun) collection of all types of sex toys. I personally prefer to shop around the dildo area. Hey, a girl’s gotta dream right?

With massive libraries and collection upon collection of Adult Anal, Bondage, Fetish & Kink Kits, Dildos & Dongs, Masturbators, Vibrators, Beads, Plugs, Inflatables, Lubes, Lotions, Sprays & Creams there is really no reason to ever leave the house. And that is only the beginning of the list at Buckwiz.

Sex toys to spice up your boring life

I’ve been secretly browsing Sex Toy Fun, a fantastic adult online supermarket of virtually all things sex. I came across this marvelous site through my dear friend China. First of all, I have to say, it can be addictive (well, if you’re anything like me anyway). I had a hard time unsticking myself from my computer screen!

Sextoyfun boasts all type of sex toys for all type of special situations, whether its a vibrating dildo, lacy cuffs, or sexy outfits and costumes, they have got it all, and in huge abundance. The online aspect to shopping has really changed our availability to try new things. Nowadays there is no larger web store and no excuse not to get kinky!

Never have I seen so many anal beads and cockrings. Never before have I experienced in awe the myriad of fake silicone pussies. Never will I ever again click on 15″ giant dildos, j/k. I had a great time browsing for all sorts of devilishly fun stuff, and I really enjoyed it. So can you. head over today and see what its all about!